Company Info

Legal Notice
Pleio is a service published by the company Gamestream
Denomination or company name : GAMESTREAM
Registered Address : 14, avenue de l’Opéra, 75001 Paris
Phone number: +33 9 67 59 14 01
Email address : contact@gamestream.biz
Judicial form of society : Société par actions simplifiée
Amount of share capital: 151 217,00 EUROS
RCS registration, number: 815 338 199 R.C.S. Paris
Registered Address : 14, avenue de l’Opéra, 75001 Paris
Phone number: +33 9 67 59 14 01
Email address : contact@gamestream.biz
Judicial form of society : Société par actions simplifiée
Amount of share capital: 151 217,00 EUROS
RCS registration, number: 815 338 199 R.C.S. Paris